Srinagar:: As many as 92 officers of Jammu & Kashmir Administrative Service (JKAS) and Jammu & Kashmir Police Service (JKPS) are attaining superannuation in the calendar year 2022.
Details available lay bare that 56 JKPS officers and 36 JKAS officers would retire in the year 2022. Both the Home department and General Administration Department- who are respectively cadre controlling authority for JKPS and JKAS- have already notified the names of officers who are attaining superannuation in the next 12 months.
According to notification of Home department, 56 officers of different ranks, mostly deputy superintendents of police (DySPs), would retire in the next 12 months.
Of them, seven officers would retire on January 31, six on February 28, 11 on March 31, nine on April 30, six on May 31, one on June 30, three on July 31, one on August 31, three on September 30, four on October 31, one on November 30 and four on December 31.
It is worthwhile to mention that 36 JKAS officers would also retire in the calendar year 2022. Those figuring in the list include Gazzanfar Ali (Director General Youth Service & Sports), Farooq Ahmad Shah (Secretary, Housing & Urban Development Department) and Showkat Aijaz Bhat (Commissioner State Taxes, J&K).