SRINAGAR, JULY 06: SANKALP- Hub for Empowerment of Women- Mission Shakti Srinagar, Department of Social Welfare as per the proposed activity Planner of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Saturday organized on spot celebration of birth of girl child at maternity hospital, Lal Ded, Wazir Bagh, Srinagar.
The initiative was taken in order to make the parents realise that girls are equal to boys in every way and the birth of a girl child should be welcomed rather than considering her a burden. Every Parent should realize that having a girl child is a blessing.
The event was attended by District Mission Coordinator, Ruqaya Ashraf along with her staff Specialist in Financial Literacy from Sankalp-Hub for Empowerment of Women- Mission Shakti Srinagar and staff from the said hospital was also present on the occasion.
The event commenced with the spot celebration of birth of girl child by cake cutting through mothers of the new born girl child and later on all the parents of newborns were felicitated with baby kits.