Jammu: The Jammu and Kashmir administration on Sunday announced a seven-hour relaxation in the restriction on non-essential movement amid concerns raised by traders over the 64-hour long weekend Covid lockdown hampering their businesses.
A fortnight ago, the administration had imposed complete a restriction on non-essential movement from Fridays 2 pm to Mondays 6 am to rein in the surge in COVID-19 cases.
Traders of Jammu and Srinagar had sought a review of the weekend restrictions, stating they have already suffered huge economic losses owing to the outbreak of the pandemic.
The new lockdown restrictions on non-essential movement would be from every Friday 9 pm to Monday 6 am, said the State Executive Committee (SEC) which met under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary A K Mehta to review the overall Covid situation.
This will come into effect from next weekend, the SEC said.
Jammu and Kashmir on Sunday recorded 4,615 fresh coronavirus cases that took its infection tally to 4,32,875, while seven more fatalities pushed the death toll to 4,659.