Women of J&K have been doing a commendable job in every sector—be it the sector of Information Technology, fashion designing, or for that matter, the core industrial sector, however, the push from the Government should have been more than what they have been getting. Even though the Government has been coming up with different schemes for the entrepreneurs to set up their units, nothing specific has been carved out for the women of J&K who not only are well qualified but also proven their mettle in every sector.
The idea is of setting up women-owned industrial parks in both Divisions: Jammu as well as Kashmir, which is not only novel but can, prove to be a game-changer on the economic landscape of the Union Territory where there will be specific industrial parks housing the units belonging to women only. The step, if taken in near future, would also have a unique inspirational factor as well, persuading more and more women to leave the traditional hunt for the Government jobs, and do something of their own, with considerable help from the Government—which is a pre-requisite. More so, the move will also result in increased competition between the two genders.
Women have a decisive and pivotal role to play for the betterment of the economy of any nation. They need to have avenues where they could go about it as per their choice and wishes. No matter we have seen many women getting into the sectors such as dairy farming, sewing and cutting—how innovative it would be if these units are brought together and allowed to work at one specific place with increased financial assistance from the Government?
While we have entrepreneurial success stories in Kashmir, Jammu is not lagging at all. It is not a big deal for the Government to identify women who have had successful ventures, bringing them together by setting up women-owned industrial units, at one specific industrial park, to begin with.
The time has come for the Government to look ahead which it can do by going ahead with the establishment of such industrial parks in Kashmir as well as in Jammu. The initiative will surely accommodate more and more women; make them financially independent, who will then also contribute towards the betterment of the economy which has, as if frozen, after 2019. While there are many reasons for the crumbling of the economy which needs to be addressed, J&K as of now deserves fully owned women’s industrial parks.