The United Nations came into existence in 1945 with an aim to maintain international peace, security, protect human rights, deliver humanitarian aid, promote sustainable development and uphold international law. However, some of the main objectives have never been fulfilled, and as a result of which has come under criticism from people from different corners. The organization seems to have lost its glory as it has failed so far in ensuring its basic objective on the ground—peace between the countries. Ukraine crisis is one such instance when the United Nations has failed to maintain peace on the land, thus leading to the death of over 200 people due to bombing, missiles and other related things.
It seems that the United Nations instead of playing its role in maintaining peace and security has remained stick to issuing statements only. Whenever there is skirmish or any fury between the countries, the United Nations has a significant role to play to ensure that no way leads to the war is kept open and ensure the safety of civilians within the two countries. But, the situation is always different on the ground as there has been no steps of mediation from the UN to ensure peace.
The world is always keeping eyes on the United Nations to bring a solution amid the warlike situation, but refraining from performing the duties is not only putting the question mark over its credibility, but its losing the glory with each passing day as well. To fulfill the objectives is the need of the hour and the UN’s basic motives for which it came into existence has to be ensured to bring back its lost glory and ensure that there is no war on the ground and the devastation due to nuclear power is prevented.